Do I Need an Estate Planner? A Financial Planner? Or Both?

Askander Law Firm, P.C.
5 min read

If you're like most people, estate and financial planning may sound like two terms that are interchangeable. After all, both plans involve making informed decisions about your money and the security of your future. However, there is actually a significant difference between these two aspects of planning for long-term financial stability—it comes down to goals! Estate planning focuses on setting up appropriate steps for transferring your assets after death; whereas with financial planning the goal is more focused on optimizing wealth over time by minimizing taxes and maximizing returns through investments. Read on to learn more about why it's important to distinguish between an estate planner and a financial planner so you can make sure you have all bases covered in building a secure future.

Understanding The Difference Between Estate Planning And Financial Planning

Estate Planning and Financial Planning serve two distinct yet complementary planning purposes. Estate Planning focuses on the management and distribution of a person’s assets upon their death, while Financial Planning is broader, encompassing financial goal-setting throughout a person's lifetime. Estate planning involves creating an Estate Plan which could include wills, trusts and other documents to ensure that assets are distributed according to a person’s wishes. On the other hand, financial planning looks at retirement goals, budgeting considerations, debt management strategies and investment opportunities to help people meet their current and future financial goals.  Ultimately, Estate Planning and Financial Planning combined create comprehensive protection for an individual or family and provide them with peace of mind as they plan for their futures.

Benefits Of Utilizing Both Services For Your Future

Estate planning and financial planning are both important services that can contribute to a secure future. Utilizing both can provide you with greater peace of mind, as they each address your overall financial health from two different angles. Estate planning will make sure the right people inherit your assets upon your death, while financial planning ensures you have control over how you save and invest throughout your life. Working with a professional in each field of expertise helps to ensure that nothing is overlooked and that everything is done in a manner that meets your specific needs. When using estate planning and financial planning together, you do not just get the benefit of avoiding disputes over assets - you also get peace of mind knowing that all available resources have been used to protect yourself and your family into the future.

Common Questions To Ask When Seeking Professional Help With Your Finances And Estate Planning

When it comes to your finances, estate planning and other related matters, it can be overwhelming to consider the various steps you should take to ensure a secure future for yourself and those you love. A professional advisor can provide invaluable assistance during these times and help you clarify any questions or concerns you may have. Common questions that people may ask when seeking professional guidance include what responsibilities estate planning entails, how financial planning is different from estate planning, what strategies a financial advisor might use to protect their client's assets long-term, and so on. Regardless of your current financial state or estate situation, having a knowledgeable individual by your side is sure to make the process easier and simpler.

How To Create A Comprehensive Estate And Financial Plan That Incorporates Your Goals, Wishes And Preferences

Creating a comprehensive financial and estate plan is the first step to ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, preserving them for the people who matter to you the most. It’s critical to take into account how estate and financial planning both differ from one another: estate planning manages the transfer of wealth following death through wills, trusts, and other documents, whereas financial planning encompasses how to manage finances during lifetime. Establishing a plan begins with understanding your goals, wishes and preferences. To construct an effective strategy that meets your unique needs requires strategic advice tailored for personal considerations. This process should also be regularly reviewed and updated to address legal changes or changes in circumstances over time. With careful research based on personal assessment of your finances and wishes, it's possible to create a comprehensive estate and financial plan that will ensure a legacy of security.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re looking to protect your assets or create an ideal retirement plan, we are here to help you get fully settled in and build a life protection plan that will measure up for years to come. Reach out to us today so that we can guide you step by step through the process of forming an effective strategy for success.

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Askander Law Firm, P.C.